Monday, 8 July 2013

More clear out sales!

Another army that's up for sale, an sizable dark elf army.

Needs some work, some stripping, repairing and re-assembling but some of it is painted to a fair standard and some of it is assembled but unpainted.

To discuss, please email me at

Here is a breakdown and some pictures, the minis come to between 550 and 600 pounds direct from GW, due to the work involved in restoring the army and getting it ready to paint yourself I would charge less than 50% of retail, I'm looking for around £250 plus shipping and packing.

Sold as seen in the pictures, some minor breakages, unpainted unless specified. Conversions specified.


Morathi on pegasus, painted
Two sorceress miniatures (games workshop, painted)
Dreadlord on cold one, painted
Two assassins, painted
Dreadlord on dragon (super old miniature, missing two front arms)
Dreadlord on 'Pegasus', conversion. A winged cold one made of a cold one cav champion and vargheist wings.
One reaper wizard used as a sorceress, painted
Death hag and cauldron, partially painted. Cauldron attendants undercoated.
One sorceress converted to ride a dark steed, it is a glade rider horse and a 6th edition sorceress. Painted.


32 corsairs, 18 newer plastic ones, the rest are previous edition metals
57 warriors, some have shields (22). 25 painted.
24 repeater crossbow warriors
15 dark riders converted from glade riders with corsair handbows, 5 painted


8 metal shades, painted
20 shades converted from shadow warriors with corsair handbows and various dark elf/dark eldar weapon arms. I'm quite fond of these conversions!
One Gamezone 'predator chariot' used as a cold one chariot. Undercoated white, needs glueing back together.
20 metal black guard, but two are champions and one halberd head is missing. Started painting a couple of them.
10 metal witch elves, painted
5 cold one cavalry, painted
5 cold one cavalry partially assembled/on sprue, no cavalry bases.


War hydra, metal, painted with handlers.
2 repeater bolt throwers, one needs glueing back together.
6 bolt thrower crew, 4 need glueing on to bases, bases present. Partially painted.

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