Monday, 8 July 2013

More clear out sales!

Another army that's up for sale, an sizable dark elf army.

Needs some work, some stripping, repairing and re-assembling but some of it is painted to a fair standard and some of it is assembled but unpainted.

To discuss, please email me at

Here is a breakdown and some pictures, the minis come to between 550 and 600 pounds direct from GW, due to the work involved in restoring the army and getting it ready to paint yourself I would charge less than 50% of retail, I'm looking for around £250 plus shipping and packing.

Sold as seen in the pictures, some minor breakages, unpainted unless specified. Conversions specified.


Morathi on pegasus, painted
Two sorceress miniatures (games workshop, painted)
Dreadlord on cold one, painted
Two assassins, painted
Dreadlord on dragon (super old miniature, missing two front arms)
Dreadlord on 'Pegasus', conversion. A winged cold one made of a cold one cav champion and vargheist wings.
One reaper wizard used as a sorceress, painted
Death hag and cauldron, partially painted. Cauldron attendants undercoated.
One sorceress converted to ride a dark steed, it is a glade rider horse and a 6th edition sorceress. Painted.


32 corsairs, 18 newer plastic ones, the rest are previous edition metals
57 warriors, some have shields (22). 25 painted.
24 repeater crossbow warriors
15 dark riders converted from glade riders with corsair handbows, 5 painted


8 metal shades, painted
20 shades converted from shadow warriors with corsair handbows and various dark elf/dark eldar weapon arms. I'm quite fond of these conversions!
One Gamezone 'predator chariot' used as a cold one chariot. Undercoated white, needs glueing back together.
20 metal black guard, but two are champions and one halberd head is missing. Started painting a couple of them.
10 metal witch elves, painted
5 cold one cavalry, painted
5 cold one cavalry partially assembled/on sprue, no cavalry bases.


War hydra, metal, painted with handlers.
2 repeater bolt throwers, one needs glueing back together.
6 bolt thrower crew, 4 need glueing on to bases, bases present. Partially painted.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Spring clear out!

Using this blog post as a central sale list for my spring clear out, as I'll be cross posting it around before putting things on eBay.

All items are as seen in the picture, all prices are negotiable and DO NOT include shipping costs. I can ship to anywhere if you're willing to cover the costs, and if you need more pics or info, email me at

20 painted empire handgunners with movement tray:
Asking £15

Legion of Everblight: SOLD

Complete playable (if not optimal) dark eldar army. Partially painted, some arms are broken off but all included. The 3rd raider is half built but all the sprues are present. Crews for raiders are present but unpainted. SOLD

Updated: 7/7/13

Dark vengeance dark angel half (minis only) including limited edition chaplain. Plus another 10 marines (I think they're black templars), 4 snipers and 3 familiars/servo skull things.

Asking £40

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

I have no mouse and I must post

Haven't posted in ages, haven't taken pictures of battles. Played 2 games with my new empire at 1000 points, steam tank blew itself up both games. Great fun though, loving the army so far.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Works in progress: Empire

Doing a small empire force for my club's slow grow league.

These moments are when the airbrush pays for itself.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Battle report: Lizardmen rematch

Played against Rich's lizardmen again today, minor tweaks to my list moving the magic items around slightly and dropping a hexwraith in order to field a unit with an even number. I used the points to change my core around slightly. His list was unchanged as far as I know.

Deployment after vanguards looked like this:

Note we are playing on a 4x4 table, which if anything was an advantage for me as it limited his scouting options. We chose to play anyway as we both planned on simply pushing forwards and hoping for a good magic phase.

He took turn one and moved everything up, the magic phase was uninteresting except for the purple sun he cast, then rolled a 2 for the distance. He killed just 4 of his own temple guard. He also got a caress on my general but I let it go, he rolled 5 for the hits (doing nothing to the S5 vampire). The engine of the gods moved up and pulsed 11", removing 5 hexwraiths (!) and a handful of dogs. He moves the skinks in real close on my left and poisons a few dogs.

VC turn one the dogs in the midfield charge the temple guard unit to get out of the way and the knight bus charges the stegadon. On my left I had a unit of 2 wolves, a single lone wolf and the front zombie unit charge the right skink unit, I activate the lone dog first forcing him to waste his stand and shoot. The hexwraiths charge his salamanders to tie them up. All my charges connect. He uses cube of darkness on my first spell, ending my magic phase.
   The hexwraiths win by 1 but he holds, the dogs and zombies break the skinks, dogs run them down while zombies reform. My hero vampire challenges his skink priest (I thought it would be funny) while the vampire lord destroys the Stegadon before it can strike. The vampire is kitted out to duel, so it was relatively one sided. The bus reforms to accept the inevitable double charge, but no more engine pulses to worry about.

I forgot to take pictures for the next 3 turns, so the next picture will be 'after' the big central combat. The hexwraiths hold the salamanders for a turn, break them next turn but they stay on the board, then charge them and run them off the board on turn 5. There is not a lot notable in the central combat, the vampire lord fails to kill his BSB scar veteran in the first round, then on my turn the level 2 vampire kills it with a caress of laniph. Then the level 2 goes for a 6 dice bubble soulblight, I get irresistable force but it ends up a decent trade, I kill 4 or 5 knights but I kill 8 or so temple guard, soulblight his entire army and then cascade off the board. The vampire lord finishes the job and eats the temple guard. The last remaining guard breaks and flees, leaving my vampire, wight and knight champion to face down the saurus. Next round he can't break through my armour and I win, running the saurus down but that last temple guard stays on the board, ending his turn 6 sitting exactly on the board edge.

Meanwhile on the left, the skinks avoid combat and poison the corpse cart off the table. The left hand unit of saurus move down and take on the ghouls. They do well, and even though the zombies pinned the saurus giving me a flank charge, the saurus reform and start going to town on the ghouls. I'm in trouble, he will kill them in one turn and be able to get a turn 6 charge on my bunker, possibly clawing back a lot of points. What to do?
  Note the dead pile is basically everything, the last TG are there, the knights below them, the ghoul/saurus fight and bunker watching with baited breath...

Well the level 3 necromancer decides to do something about it, and casts purple sun. He fails to dispel, I roll 10 for the distance and it hits all but 1 saurus, out of 24 in the unit 4 survive. The lore attribute gives me about 8 power dice and he has no dispel dice left. I raise about 12 ghouls and 3 knights between the two level ones, and the zombies swell in ranks. I then cast doom and darkness on the saurus as the final insult.

Final turn and his temple guard stays on the board, I had 2 dogs on the far left staying out of the way and they we ONE INCH out of charge range on my turn 6. I should have moved them up to threaten, my own stupid fault, I could have forced the temple guard off the board and tabled him. He ended the game with a lone temple guard and 10 chameleon skinks. I lost my level 2 vampire, the corpse cart and 3 units of 5 dogs. A massacre to the vampires!

I won a 15-5 after comp score adjustments (4.4 VC, 6.2 LM) but it's sort of irrelevant :)

Have to give a final shout out to my opponent Rich, a thoroughly good guy to play with and it was a really great game. 

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Battle Report: 2400 vs Lizardmen

Good game today against a good player and all round cool guy, however my phone battery was dying so no pictures. We used Swedish Comp to score the lists and try to pit filth against filth, his came in at 6.2 and mine at 4.2. I am going from memory though.

My list:

+++ 2400pt Vampire Counts 8th Ed AB and 8th Ed BRB Roster (Standard) +++


+ Lords + (598pts)

    * Master Necromancer (165pts) 
        (Undead (AB-26))
        Lore of Death, Wizard Level 3

    * Vampire Lord (433pts) 
        (The Hunger (AB-27), Undead (AB-26), Vampiric (AB-26))
        Barded Nightmare (24pts), Heavy Armour (6pts), Lore of the Vampires, Quickblood (30pts) (Quickblood), Red Fury (50pts) (Red Fury), Shield (3pts), Wizard Level 1
        * Magic Items (100pts) 
            BRB - Ogre Blade (40pts), BRB - Talisman of Preservation (45pts), BRB - The Other Trickster's Shard (15pts)

+ Heroes + (490pts)

    * Necromancer (90pts) 
        (Undead (AB-26))
        Lore of the Vampires, Wizard Level 1
        * Magic Items (25pts) 
            BRB - Dispel Scroll (25pts)

    * Vampire (231pts) 
        (The Hunger (AB-27), Undead (AB-26), Vampiric (AB-26))
        Beguile (15pts) (Beguile), Heavy Armour (4pts), Lore of Death, Quickblood (30pts) (Quickblood), Shield (2pts), Wizard Level 2 (35pts)
        * Magic Items (40pts) 
            BRB - Dragonhelm (10pts), BRB - Sword of Anti-Heroes (30pts)

    * Wight King (169pts) 
        (Killing Blow (BRB-72), Undead (AB-26))
        Battle Standard Bearer (25pts), Lance (5pts), Shield (4pts)
        * Magic Items (30pts) 
            BRB - Dawnstone (25pts), BRB - Enchanted Shield (5pts)
        * Skeletal Steed (20pts) 
            (Spectral Steeds (AB-51))
            Barding (8pts)

+ Core + (604pts)

    * Crypt Ghouls (350pts) 
        (Poisoned Attacks (BRB-73), Undead (AB-26))
        35x Crypt Ghoul (350pts)

    * Dire Wolves (40pts) 
        (Slavering Charge (AB-36), Swiftstride (BRB-76), Undead (AB-26), Vanguard (BRB-79))
        5x Dire Wolf (40pts)

    * Dire Wolves (80pts) 
        (Slavering Charge (AB-36), Swiftstride (BRB-76), Undead (AB-26), Vanguard (BRB-79))
        10x Dire Wolf (80pts)

    * Dire Wolves (40pts) 
        (Slavering Charge (AB-36), Swiftstride (BRB-76), Undead (AB-26), Vanguard (BRB-79))
        5x Dire Wolf (40pts)

    * Zombies (94pts) 
        (Always Strikes Last (BRB-66), The Newly Dead (AB-34), Undead (AB-26))
        Musician (5pts), Standard Bearer (5pts), 28x Zombie (84pts)

+ Special + (708pts)

    * Black Knights (333pts) 
        (Killing Blow (Riders only) (BRB-72), Spectral Steeds (AB-51), Swiftstride (BRB-76), Undead (AB-26))
        Champion (10pts), Musician (10pts)
        * 12x Black Knight (288pts) 
            12x Barding (36pts)
        * Standard Bearer (25pts) 
            BRB - Banner of Eternal Flame (15pts)

    * Corpse Cart (105pts) 
        (*Random Attacks (2D6) (BRB-74), Regeneration (BRB-74), Undead (AB-26), Vigor Mortis (AB-40))
        Balefire (15pts) (Balefire (AB-40))

    * Hexwraiths (270pts) 
        (Ethereal (BRB-68), Fast Cavalry (BRB-68), Soul Reapers (AB-47), Soulstriders (AB-47), Spectral Hunters (AB-47), Swiftstride (BRB-76), Terror (BRB-78), Undead (AB-26))
        9x Hexwraith (270pts)

His list:

2398 Total

Lords 365
Slann Mage Priest (275) 365
The Becalming Cogitation
Obsidian Amulet (30)
Bane Head (15)
Cupped Hands of the Old Ones (45)

Heros 584
Skink Priest (65) 395
Cube of Darkness (40)
Ancient Stegadon with EotG (290)
Sauras Scar Veteran (85) 189
Battle Standard bearer (25)
Talisman of Preservation (45)
Enchanted Shield (5)
Light Armour (5)
Cold-One (20)
Spear (4)

Troops 635
27 Saurus Warriors (297) 336
Spears (27), Standard Bearer (12)
25 Saurus Warriors (275) 299
Standard Bearer (12), Champion (12)

Special 589
20 Saurus Temple Guard (320) 349
Standard Bearer (14), Banner of Eternal Flame (15)
10 Chameleon Skinks (120)
10 Chameleon Skinks (120)

Rare 225
3 Salamander Hunting Packs (225)

I'd really like a 10th hexwraith but not sure what to drop. I've been using the balefire corpse cart and it's working out really well for me, puts the level 3 wizard back on even ground with dispelling vs enemy level 4 wizards and gives you a real edge over level 1 or two wizards casting small spells like miasma/ISB. I used it last week with a mortis engine & tome with a couple of level two wizards on vampires, and it's great, but the tome is too much of a gamble.

My opponent rolled poor spells, having iceshard blizzard on the level one, the slaan got purple sun, spirit leach, caress of lanish and aspect of the dreadknight. He rolled doom and darkness but swapped it, as LD comes up so rarely for me being able to let skinks cause terror and not flee hexwraiths or roll fear tests might have come in handy, but with cold blooded it never really posed a problem for him.

I got invocation on both level 1 wizards, the level 2 death got doom and darkness and swapped purple sun for spirit leech. The level 3 got fate of bjuna, purple sun and spirit leech.


I had more drops and got to pick my knight bus's match up vs his temple guard unit, skinks scouted on my left flank to threaten with poison. I think deploying the saurus so far out was a mistake, I fed the rightmost spear saurus some dogs and they never saw meaningful combat, and the ghouls got to eat the salamanders as well as protect the bus's flank. I did lose my vanguard on the wraiths as the impassable terrain in front of them was 10" long, so I couldn't be 1" away after a 12" vanguard.

Turn one I moved up, he also pushed forward a lot, which I though might be a mistake as he had shooting and magic supremacy, he could have stayed back and made me come to him while whittling the bus down.

Neither first turn magic phase really accomplished much as I remember, he shot off some dogs and plinked off a couple of knights.

Turn 2:

I charged the vampire bus into the temple guard, and the ghouls into the salamanders. I move my dogs up to feed them to the rightmost saurus. My left dogs are shot down, hexwraiths put a handful of wounds on the saurus as they run through. Ghouls fail to break the salamanders, vampires go to town on the temple guard, killing 11 and taking no wounds in return. Temple guard are stubborn and hold, magic is pretty ineffective.

In lizardmen turn two he rolls really poorly on winds of magic and gets no spells off. He does get into position to take on the zombie bunker, which I shouldn't have allowed, mistake on my part. He also gets 3 wound son the hero vampire who fails all three armour saves at 3+. I didn't realise he had the flaming banner though, and he didn't mention it because he didn't think it mattered (closed lists...) so I should have had a 2+ ward. As it was, the vampire died and we didn't realise until we compared lists after the game. His salamanders also broke from combat on his turn but he escaped.

In the pictures (because I suck at this) it all looks a bit more spread out, the units were in fact more bunched up around the centre of the board. Also the larger terrain pieces are impassable but the smaller were just difficult.

Turn 3 VC: hexwraiths charge salamanders, forcing them to flee back through the ghouls, then redirect into the slaan unit, the corpse cart charges the skinks but dies to the stand and shoot, he rolled 5 poisons and I failed four 4+ regen saves (sigh). Magic sees little from either side, we are doing a good job at shutting down each other's magic. I fail to finish off the slaan in my turn, leaving him a slaan on 2 wounds and a single temple guard, so he was stubborn. He passed 2 killing blow ward saves despite the other trickster's shard.  I use fate of bhuna and kill his level 1 skink priest. Then my wizards are promptly killed by skinks and the zombies are thunderstomped into dust.

Turn 3 LM: Skinks and engine of the gods charge the zombie bunker, saurus on the right charge some dogs, middle saurus move into position. Nothing to shoot at, he rolls a four for winds of magic and throws all four at a last ditch purple sun, which I scroll. He eats the dogs, reforms instead of going into the second unit. I kill his slaan and remaining guard, reform the knights (who are now down to 5 and 2 characters) to face the stegadon.

Turn 4 VC: Going from memory so things are a bit jumbled, so I think the hexwraiths went through skinks 1 up there doing 5 wounds and a panic test (failed), the remaining dogs just gum up the saurus's movement, the ghouls finally finish off the salamanders and the remaining knights charge the stegadon, which is punked by the vampire lord and the knights reform.

LM turn 4: He moves his last skink unit to block the knight bus, eats the last unit of dogs with SW1 and reforms SW2 in front of the ghouls.

VC turn 5: No charges, swift reform and march the bus to get a janky charge on the saurus for turn 6 while the hexwraiths run a drive by on the last of the skinks. Raise two knights and 6 ghouls with my last remaining wizard.

LM turn 5: Charges the ghouls, tries to move around with SW1.

VC turn 6: Bus gets into the saurus, vampire makes way. BSB challenges, wight accepts, nobody dies. Lord whiffs his attacks and combat is a draw.

LM turn 6: SW1 see combat with all of 4 models, nobody dies in the challenge but the vampire lord destroys 7 or 8 saurus, win combat by 4, he breaks and rolls a 9. I roll 8 with my swiftstriding knights and he gets away, but the BSB dies for breaking so that's a solid 289 points at least.

A win to the vampires, after comp adjustments to the VPs the vampires won by 1145 with taking the BSB into account, which in tourney scores should be 14-6 to the vampires. Was a fantastic game and Rich is always fun to play, even if he has weighted dice ;)

Hope it was easy to follow, it's my first time using battle chronicler and going from memory, I'll go back to pictures for next time.

Thoughts on the game: I think Rich had a tough match up compounded by a bad deployment, I think had I not thrown away my zombie bunker I could have had a much bigger win. Rich's dice seemed to be rolling badly at some really crucial moments, like fluffing 5 attacks that would hit on threes, and the wizards in the bunker evading harm for a turn longer than they should have. Forgetting the dragonhelm also cost me 231 victory points, but it doesn't really matter. I like the LM list he played, it's very strong but I think he got a bad roll on spells and I'd have been much more worried if he ran life or light.
     This is the first time I've run a serious bus list and I can see why it scores so low on comp now, the bus unit is hard as nails and 20 temple guard with a slaan are about one of the hardest units in the game.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Hobby & Painting: Varghulf, Crypt horrors, dire wolves

I've been super busy today, spent all afternoon painting instead of working. However, it was productive.

My forgeworld Preyton (Varghulf):

I also added 3 crypt horrors to my unit of 6, which used virtually the same colour pallette as the Preyton, so I  airbrushed all the models at the same time when I did each layer. I also finished 10 dire wolves I had already basecoated, then based and magnetised the lot. 

Let me know what you think!

Saturday, 19 January 2013

For Whom the Bell Tolls?

I played an interesting game on Thursday, and I chose not to take pictures as I wanted to focus fully on the game and give beating my friend's bell list a really good try. I sort of regret it as it turned out to be an absolute rollercoaster of a game, I'm going to talk about some overall points and post my list at the end.

I was up against a variant of the bell list, in which he dropped the gutter runners and warlock engineers to put a plague furnace in the monk unit, the 'two towers' list. It was brutal, but I think easier to deal with than the extra warp lightning casts, condensor power dice and scouts. You'll see my list had more chaff which made a huge difference, I got to pick my match ups in deployment and my chaff performed fantastically despite losing the fell bats for two turns thanks to the storm banner (they were out of general range, moving one inch hardly seems worth it).

Factor one: The A-Bomb

He deployed the A-Bomb as usual on a flank with the intention of using it to roll down one side of my army. He put it to my left, which was deployed as my weak side with dogs, bats and vargheists then crypt horrors towards my middle as a blocker for my centre. He chose to run the A-Bomb right on the edge of the board, attempting to get a first turn charge on my dire wolves that had vanguarded up along the edge of the board. He missed by about four inches, and as he got first turn it let me put the wolves on his A-Bomb's flank to block his pivot. He was not facing exactly forward, he was at an angle pointing to the edge of the board with one corner on the edge. Therefore, the A-Bomb cannot move until the dogs are cleared. The dogs got lucky when charged by that weapon team that does artillery dice S4 hits, he rolled a lot of ones to wound and I killed it.
     The crypt horrors and vargheists killed the doomwheel, then the vargs took over the dog's position letting me hold the A-Bomb for the full 6 turns.

Factor two: WLC

First turn he blocked his own pivot on the cannon, so the varghulf raced over out of it's front arc, getting into the cannon and blocking it's pivot on my turn 3. I forgot to charge it, so it was turn 5 before it was killed, but killed it was. It shot off one vargheist and one fell bat all game, solid trade for me.

Factor 3: Skeleton Bus chooses it's match up

Thanks to my chaff, I got to deploy my skeleton unit with my fighty vampire in front of his monks & furnace unit, he blocked me with slave chaff but I had my own zombies and wolves to help, the slaves only delayed the inevitable, and the vampire crushed one unit of slaves, the furnace & unit and the clanrat bunker (who he deployed no characters in this game) who were protecting the cannon. Incidentally, the skeleton unit with the character build worked out great:

Rank 1:Wight king /// Vampire Lord /// Skeleton champion /// Skeleton /// Cairn Wraith
Rank 2:Level 2 Vampire on shadow w/ Cursed Book
Rank 3: ///50 skeletons

So you are limited in how many skeletons you can kill to get combat res, the front rank are well protected, the vamp in the 2nd spits out loads of hexes, you're not likely to get steadfast.... It's brutal. The vampire lord chops up plenty and most of the enemies hitting him are affected by the nightshroud. I think it could have taken on the bell unit, but I went for the small win with less risk over trying to take on the big bad bell. He also made the mistake of being out of range of his BSB in this combat.

Factor 4: The bell didn't see combat

He deployed back, opposite my left flank, and blocked himself in with the doomwheel.. He stayed back so the DW would shoot me, meaning it was turn 4 before he got to my lines. He went for the horrors to try and grab their points, letting me park my level four and his zombies out of their arc, but in range to vanhels bats in his way, and to raise zombies to block him, letting me keep shuffling the horrors back (who were down to 3/8 after all the shooting/magic/doomwheel combat). The bell unit saw no meaningful combat all game, while I locked down the A-Bomb and mopped up the rest.

Final score: +1003 victory points to the Vampires, just about a 14-6 win in tournament scores. I think that's realistically the best case scenario win for me, without him doing something like cascading the level 4 or ringing triple 6 on the bell. It was a really fantastic, intense game though, definitely the games we look for in this hobby!

My list:

         Combined arms/Chaff list (2396pts)


Lords (595pts)

  • Master Necromancer (200pts)
    Lore of the Vampires, Wizard Level 4 (35pts)
  • Vampire Lord (395pts)
    Great Weapon (10pts), Quickblood (30pts) (Quickblood), Red Fury (50pts) (Red Fury), Wizard Level 1
    • Magic Items (85pts)
      BRB - Glittering Scales (25pts), BRB - Talisman of Preservation (45pts), BRB - The Other Trickster's Shard (15pts)

Heroes (490pts)

  • Cairn Wraith (60pts)

    Necromancer (90pts)
  • Lore of the Vampires, Wizard Level 1
    • Magic Items (25pts)
      BRB - Dispel Scroll (25pts)
  • Vampire (211pts)
    Aura of Dark Majesty (25pts) (Aura of Dark Majesty), Heavy Armour (4pts), Lore of Shadow, Shield (2pts), Wizard Level 2 (35pts)
    • Magic Items (40pts)
      AB - The Cursed Book (35pts), BRB - Ironcurse Icon (5pts)
  • Wight King (129pts)
    Shield (4pts)
    • Magic Items (40pts)
      AB - Nightshroud (40pts)

Core (600pts)

  • 10x Dire Wolf (80pts)
  • 10x Dire Wolf (80pts)
  • Skeleton Warriors (300pts)
    Champion (10pts), Musician (10pts), 51x Skeleton Warrior (255pts)
    • Standard Bearer (25pts)
      BRB - Banner of Eternal Flame (15pts)
  • Zombies (70pts)
    Musician (5pts), Standard Bearer (5pts), 20x Zombie (60pts)
  • Zombies (70pts)
    Musician (5pts), Standard Bearer (5pts), 20x Zombie (60pts)

Special (536pts)

  • 8x Crypt Horror (304pts)
  • 3x Fell Bat (48pts)
  • 4x Vargheist (184pts)

Rare (175pts)

  • Varghluf (175pts)

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Battle Report: 2400 VS Ogre Kingdoms

My list:

         Lords (255pts)

  • Master Necromancer (255pts)
    Undead (AB-26)
    Lore of the Vampires, Wizard Level 4 (35pts)
    • Magic Items (55pts)
      AB - Black Periapt (55pts)

Heroes (524pts)

  • Cairn Wraith (60pts)
    Chill Grasp (AB-30), Ethereal (BRB-68), Terror (BRB-75), Undead (AB-26)
  • Vampire (228pts)
    The Hunger (AB-27), Undead (AB-26), Vampiric (AB-26)
    Great Weapon (8pts), Lore of Shadow, Quickblood (30pts) (Quickblood), Wizard Level 2 (35pts)
    • Magic Items (50pts)
      AB - Book of Arkhan (25pts), BRB - Seed of Rebirth (10pts), BRB - The Other Trickster's Shard (15pts)
  • Vampire (236pts)
    The Hunger (AB-27), Undead (AB-26), Vampiric (AB-26)
    Aura of Dark Majesty (25pts) (Aura of Dark Majesty), Fear Incarnate (20pts) (Fear Incarnate), Heavy Armour (4pts), Lore of Shadow, Shield (2pts), Wizard Level 2 (35pts)
    • Magic Items (45pts)
      BRB - Dispel Scroll (25pts), BRB - Enchanted Shield (5pts), BRB - Sword of Might (15pts)

Core (606pts)

  • Crypt Ghouls (370pts)
    Poisoned Attacks (BRB-73), Undead (AB-26)
    Champion (10pts), 36x Crypt Ghoul (360pts)
  • Dire Wolves (80pts)
    Slavering Charge (AB-36), Swiftstride (BRB-76), Undead (AB-26), Vanguard (BRB-79)
    10x Dire Wolf (80pts)
  • Dire Wolves (80pts)
    Slavering Charge (AB-36), Swiftstride (BRB-76), Undead (AB-26), Vanguard (BRB-79)
    10x Dire Wolf (80pts)
  • Zombies (76pts)
    Always Strikes Last (BRB-66), The Newly Dead (AB-34), Undead (AB-26)
    Musician (5pts), Standard Bearer (5pts), 22x Zombie (66pts)

Special (619pts)

  • Crypt Horrors (342pts)
    Poisoned Attacks (BRB-73), Regeneration (5+) (BRB-74), Stomp (BRB-76), Undead (AB-26)
    9x Crypt Horror (342pts)
  • Fell Bats (48pts)
    Fly (BRB-70), Swiftstride (BRB-76), Undead (AB-26)
    3x Fell Bat (48pts)
  • Spirit Host (45pts)
    Ethereal (BRB-68), Skirmishers (BRB-77), Undead (AB-26)
    Spirt Host (45pts)
  • Vargheists (184pts)
    Fly (BRB-70), Frenzy (BRB-70), Stomp (BRB-76), Undead (AB-26), Vampiric (AB-26)
    4x Vargheist (184pts)

Rare (395pts)

  • Mortis Engine (220pts)
    *Random Attacks (2D6) (BRB-74), Ghostly Howl (AB-31), Large Target (BRB-72), Regeneration (BRB-74), Spectral Steeds (AB-51), Terror (BRB-78), The Reliquary (AB-53), Undead (AB-26)
  • Varghluf (175pts)
    Bestial Fury (AB-44), Hatred (BRB-71), Regeneration (BRB-74), Terror (BRB-78), Thunderstomp (BRB-76), Undead (AB-26), Vampiric (AB-26)

    His list:

    Raw Maw - Pain II (Ogre_Kingdoms) 2,397 points
    Made with Quartermaster
    Slaughtermaster (350)M6•WS4•BS3•S4•T5•W5•I3•A4•Ld8Greedy Fist; Glittering Scales; Crown Of Command; Level 3 Wizard; Lore of Death; hand weapon. Monstrous Infantry (Character); Fear; Ogre Charge; Immune to Poison.
    Bruiser (184)M6•WS5•BS3•S5•T5•W4•I3•A4•Ld8Other Tricksters Shard; Fencers Blades; hand weapon; heavy armour; battle standard. Monstrous Infantry (Character); Fear; Ogre Charge.
    Butcher (138)M6•WS3•BS2•S4•T5•W4•I2•A3•Ld7Dispel Scroll; Biting Blade; Level 1 Wizard; Lore of the Great Maw; hand weapon; ironfist. Monstrous Infantry (Character); Fear; Ogre Charge; Immune to Poison.
    Firebelly (170)M6•WS3•BS2•S4•T5•W4•I2•A3•Ld7Hellheart; Level 1 Wizard; Lore of Fire; hand weapon. Monstrous Infantry (Character); Blessings of the Volcano God; Fear; Fire Breath; Flaming Attacks; Ogre Charge.
    7 Ironguts (341)M6•WS3•BS2•S4•T4•W3•I2•A3•Ld8Bellower; standard bearer; Standard of Dis; great weapons; heavy armour.Monstrous Infantry; Fear; Ogre Charge.
    7 Ogres (254)M6•WS3•BS2•S4•T4•W3•I2•A3•Ld7Bellower; standard bearer; hand weapons; light armour; ironfists.Monstrous Infantry; Fear; Ogre Charge.
    1 Sabretusk (21)M8•WS4•BS0•S4•T4•W2•I4•A3•Ld4War Beasts; Fear; Running With The Pack; Their Master's Voice.
    1 Sabretusk (21)M8•WS4•BS0•S4•T4•W2•I4•A3•Ld4War Beasts; Fear; Running With The Pack; Their Master's Voice.
    6 Leadbelchers (268)M6•WS3•BS3•S4•T4•W3•I2•A3•Ld7Bellower; Leadbelcher guns; hand weapons; light armour. Monstrous Infantry; Fear; Ogre Charge.
    4 Mournfang Cavalry (310)M6•WS3•BS2•S4•T4•W3•I2•A3•Ld7Bellower; standard bearer; Banner Of The Eternal Flame; hand weapon; heavy armour; ironfists. Monstrous Cavalry; Fear; Impact Hits (D3); Thick-skinned.
    Ironblaster (170)M–•WS–•BS–•S5•T6•W5•I–•A–•Ld–Cannon of the Sky Titans. Chariot (Armour Save 4+); Fear; Large Target.
    Gnoblar ScrapperM–•WS2•BS3•S2•T–•W–•I3•A1•Ld5
    Ironblaster (170)M–•WS–•BS–•S5•T6•W5•I–•A–•Ld–Cannon of the Sky Titans. Chariot (Armour Save 4+); Fear; Large Target.
    Gnoblar ScrapperM–•WS2•BS3•S2•T–•W–•I3•A1•Ld5

    This battle was extremely frustrating, my opponent Stevie is always fun to play but this game he drew out the rage face. You'll see why. Deployment is shown below, after vanguards. I'm using some proxy models, the treeman is my varghulf and the dogs have some models behind them to show that the units are of 10. I was confident about the match-up and I got good spells, but it was not to be. Ogres take the first turn and he marches forwards, magic is ineffective as I dispel his fireball on the varghulf, shooting he does 5 wounds to the left dogs and both cannons fire on the varghulf, that regen saves one and takes only 1 wound from the other.

    This is where it goes wrong, I fail a slightly long charge with the crypt horrors on the mournfang, the ghoul bus gets into his bulls. No problem, I'll van hel's the horrors in to block the mournfang. Right? No.

    The firebelly in the bulls hellhearts in my magic phase and rolls 30 inches, catching all of my characters. It ends my game, as it ends my magic phase my draining all my dice, my level 4 is drained to level 1 and takes 2 wounds, my scroll vampire takes a wound. I can't block the mournfang, so in his turn 2 he charges my general. It's game over from there really, my chaff crumbles away.

    I do break the bulls and run them and two wizards off the table, then in turn 3 I irresistably pit of shades his ironguts, killing the BSB. He cannons off the varghulf though, and my chaff is all crumbled or killed. The mortis engine dances around the inpassable rock screaming the mournfang until it succumbs to crumble on my turn 4.

    My turn 3 The ghoul bus is in combat with the ironblaster drawn in by the fell bats, which I break but don't pursue.

    Start of my turn 4 and the net closes in on the crumbling remains of the vampire army. Both of my remaining units charge the ironguts, I win and leave him with only 2 ogres and a slaughtermaster on 2 wounds but of course, stubborn crown.

    No more pictures, I was regretting playing on after turn one by this point. The vargheists did kill the ironblaster, but the quad charge on the ghouls crumbled them and the horrors off the table. We called it there, 3 turns too late, as I could easily fly the vargheists out of range for the last 2 turns and they wouldn't crumble.

    Ogres scored 2316 out of a possible 2500
    Vampires scored 1062 out of a possible 2650 (I got 1/2 banners and the BSB)

    Win to the Ogres by +1254 which is a  15-5 win to Stevie!

    Well done you cheesy bastard ;)