Good game today against a good player and all round cool guy, however my phone battery was dying so no pictures. We used Swedish Comp to score the lists and try to pit filth against filth, his came in at 6.2 and mine at 4.2. I am going from memory though.
My list:
+++ 2400pt Vampire Counts 8th Ed AB and 8th Ed BRB Roster (Standard) +++
+ Lords + (598pts)
* Master Necromancer (165pts)
(Undead (AB-26))
Lore of Death, Wizard Level 3
* Vampire Lord (433pts)
(The Hunger (AB-27), Undead (AB-26), Vampiric (AB-26))
Barded Nightmare (24pts), Heavy Armour (6pts), Lore of the Vampires, Quickblood (30pts) (Quickblood), Red Fury (50pts) (Red Fury), Shield (3pts), Wizard Level 1
* Magic Items (100pts)
BRB - Ogre Blade (40pts), BRB - Talisman of Preservation (45pts), BRB - The Other Trickster's Shard (15pts)
+ Heroes + (490pts)
* Necromancer (90pts)
(Undead (AB-26))
Lore of the Vampires, Wizard Level 1
* Magic Items (25pts)
BRB - Dispel Scroll (25pts)
* Vampire (231pts)
(The Hunger (AB-27), Undead (AB-26), Vampiric (AB-26))
Beguile (15pts) (Beguile), Heavy Armour (4pts), Lore of Death, Quickblood (30pts) (Quickblood), Shield (2pts), Wizard Level 2 (35pts)
* Magic Items (40pts)
BRB - Dragonhelm (10pts), BRB - Sword of Anti-Heroes (30pts)
* Wight King (169pts)
(Killing Blow (BRB-72), Undead (AB-26))
Battle Standard Bearer (25pts), Lance (5pts), Shield (4pts)
* Magic Items (30pts)
BRB - Dawnstone (25pts), BRB - Enchanted Shield (5pts)
* Skeletal Steed (20pts)
(Spectral Steeds (AB-51))
Barding (8pts)
+ Core + (604pts)
* Crypt Ghouls (350pts)
(Poisoned Attacks (BRB-73), Undead (AB-26))
35x Crypt Ghoul (350pts)
* Dire Wolves (40pts)
(Slavering Charge (AB-36), Swiftstride (BRB-76), Undead (AB-26), Vanguard (BRB-79))
5x Dire Wolf (40pts)
* Dire Wolves (80pts)
(Slavering Charge (AB-36), Swiftstride (BRB-76), Undead (AB-26), Vanguard (BRB-79))
10x Dire Wolf (80pts)
* Dire Wolves (40pts)
(Slavering Charge (AB-36), Swiftstride (BRB-76), Undead (AB-26), Vanguard (BRB-79))
5x Dire Wolf (40pts)
* Zombies (94pts)
(Always Strikes Last (BRB-66), The Newly Dead (AB-34), Undead (AB-26))
Musician (5pts), Standard Bearer (5pts), 28x Zombie (84pts)
+ Special + (708pts)
* Black Knights (333pts)
(Killing Blow (Riders only) (BRB-72), Spectral Steeds (AB-51), Swiftstride (BRB-76), Undead (AB-26))
Champion (10pts), Musician (10pts)
* 12x Black Knight (288pts)
12x Barding (36pts)
* Standard Bearer (25pts)
BRB - Banner of Eternal Flame (15pts)
* Corpse Cart (105pts)
(*Random Attacks (2D6) (BRB-74), Regeneration (BRB-74), Undead (AB-26), Vigor Mortis (AB-40))
Balefire (15pts) (Balefire (AB-40))
* Hexwraiths (270pts)
(Ethereal (BRB-68), Fast Cavalry (BRB-68), Soul Reapers (AB-47), Soulstriders (AB-47), Spectral Hunters (AB-47), Swiftstride (BRB-76), Terror (BRB-78), Undead (AB-26))
9x Hexwraith (270pts)
His list:
2398 Total
Lords 365
Slann Mage Priest (275) 365
The Becalming Cogitation
Obsidian Amulet (30)
Bane Head (15)
Cupped Hands of the Old Ones (45)
Heros 584
Skink Priest (65) 395
Cube of Darkness (40)
Ancient Stegadon with EotG (290)
Sauras Scar Veteran (85) 189
Battle Standard bearer (25)
Talisman of Preservation (45)
Enchanted Shield (5)
Light Armour (5)
Cold-One (20)
Spear (4)
Troops 635
27 Saurus Warriors (297) 336
Spears (27), Standard Bearer (12)
25 Saurus Warriors (275) 299
Standard Bearer (12), Champion (12)
Special 589
20 Saurus Temple Guard (320) 349
Standard Bearer (14), Banner of Eternal Flame (15)
10 Chameleon Skinks (120)
10 Chameleon Skinks (120)
Rare 225
3 Salamander Hunting Packs (225)
I'd really like a 10th hexwraith but not sure what to drop. I've been using the balefire corpse cart and it's working out really well for me, puts the level 3 wizard back on even ground with dispelling vs enemy level 4 wizards and gives you a real edge over level 1 or two wizards casting small spells like miasma/ISB. I used it last week with a mortis engine & tome with a couple of level two wizards on vampires, and it's great, but the tome is too much of a gamble.
My opponent rolled poor spells, having iceshard blizzard on the level one, the slaan got purple sun, spirit leach, caress of lanish and aspect of the dreadknight. He rolled doom and darkness but swapped it, as LD comes up so rarely for me being able to let skinks cause terror and not flee hexwraiths or roll fear tests might have come in handy, but with cold blooded it never really posed a problem for him.
I got invocation on both level 1 wizards, the level 2 death got doom and darkness and swapped purple sun for spirit leech. The level 3 got fate of bjuna, purple sun and spirit leech.
I had more drops and got to pick my knight bus's match up vs his temple guard unit, skinks scouted on my left flank to threaten with poison. I think deploying the saurus so far out was a mistake, I fed the rightmost spear saurus some dogs and they never saw meaningful combat, and the ghouls got to eat the salamanders as well as protect the bus's flank. I did lose my vanguard on the wraiths as the impassable terrain in front of them was 10" long, so I couldn't be 1" away after a 12" vanguard.
Turn one I moved up, he also pushed forward a lot, which I though might be a mistake as he had shooting and magic supremacy, he could have stayed back and made me come to him while whittling the bus down.
Neither first turn magic phase really accomplished much as I remember, he shot off some dogs and plinked off a couple of knights.
Turn 2:
I charged the vampire bus into the temple guard, and the ghouls into the salamanders. I move my dogs up to feed them to the rightmost saurus. My left dogs are shot down, hexwraiths put a handful of wounds on the saurus as they run through. Ghouls fail to break the salamanders, vampires go to town on the temple guard, killing 11 and taking no wounds in return. Temple guard are stubborn and hold, magic is pretty ineffective.
In lizardmen turn two he rolls really poorly on winds of magic and gets no spells off. He does get into position to take on the zombie bunker, which I shouldn't have allowed, mistake on my part. He also gets 3 wound son the hero vampire who fails all three armour saves at 3+. I didn't realise he had the flaming banner though, and he didn't mention it because he didn't think it mattered (closed lists...) so I should have had a 2+ ward. As it was, the vampire died and we didn't realise until we compared lists after the game. His salamanders also broke from combat on his turn but he escaped.
In the pictures (because I suck at this) it all looks a bit more spread out, the units were in fact more bunched up around the centre of the board. Also the larger terrain pieces are impassable but the smaller were just difficult.
Turn 3 VC: hexwraiths charge salamanders, forcing them to flee back through the ghouls, then redirect into the slaan unit, the corpse cart charges the skinks but dies to the stand and shoot, he rolled 5 poisons and I failed four 4+ regen saves (sigh). Magic sees little from either side, we are doing a good job at shutting down each other's magic. I fail to finish off the slaan in my turn, leaving him a slaan on 2 wounds and a single temple guard, so he was stubborn. He passed 2 killing blow ward saves despite the other trickster's shard. I use fate of bhuna and kill his level 1 skink priest. Then my wizards are promptly killed by skinks and the zombies are thunderstomped into dust.
Turn 3 LM: Skinks and engine of the gods charge the zombie bunker, saurus on the right charge some dogs, middle saurus move into position. Nothing to shoot at, he rolls a four for winds of magic and throws all four at a last ditch purple sun, which I scroll. He eats the dogs, reforms instead of going into the second unit. I kill his slaan and remaining guard, reform the knights (who are now down to 5 and 2 characters) to face the stegadon.
Turn 4 VC: Going from memory so things are a bit jumbled, so I think the hexwraiths went through skinks 1 up there doing 5 wounds and a panic test (failed), the remaining dogs just gum up the saurus's movement, the ghouls finally finish off the salamanders and the remaining knights charge the stegadon, which is punked by the vampire lord and the knights reform.
LM turn 4: He moves his last skink unit to block the knight bus, eats the last unit of dogs with SW1 and reforms SW2 in front of the ghouls.
VC turn 5: No charges, swift reform and march the bus to get a janky charge on the saurus for turn 6 while the hexwraiths run a drive by on the last of the skinks. Raise two knights and 6 ghouls with my last remaining wizard.
LM turn 5: Charges the ghouls, tries to move around with SW1.
VC turn 6: Bus gets into the saurus, vampire makes way. BSB challenges, wight accepts, nobody dies. Lord whiffs his attacks and combat is a draw.
LM turn 6: SW1 see combat with all of 4 models, nobody dies in the challenge but the vampire lord destroys 7 or 8 saurus, win combat by 4, he breaks and rolls a 9. I roll 8 with my swiftstriding knights and he gets away, but the BSB dies for breaking so that's a solid 289 points at least.
A win to the vampires, after comp adjustments to the VPs the vampires won by 1145 with taking the BSB into account, which in tourney scores should be 14-6 to the vampires. Was a fantastic game and Rich is always fun to play, even if he has weighted dice ;)
Hope it was easy to follow, it's my first time using battle chronicler and going from memory, I'll go back to pictures for next time.
Thoughts on the game: I think Rich had a tough match up compounded by a bad deployment, I think had I not thrown away my zombie bunker I could have had a much bigger win. Rich's dice seemed to be rolling badly at some really crucial moments, like fluffing 5 attacks that would hit on threes, and the wizards in the bunker evading harm for a turn longer than they should have. Forgetting the dragonhelm also cost me 231 victory points, but it doesn't really matter. I like the LM list he played, it's very strong but I think he got a bad roll on spells and I'd have been much more worried if he ran life or light.
This is the first time I've run a serious bus list and I can see why it scores so low on comp now, the bus unit is hard as nails and 20 temple guard with a slaan are about one of the hardest units in the game.
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